Effectievere hulp: meer budget naar lokale goede doelenDe oneerlijke verdeling van middelen tussen Europa en Afrika zien we zelfs terug in de ontwikkelingshulp aan dit continent. Slechts een tot…Jul 26, 2021Jul 26, 2021
How International Development can increase its impact: Follow the lead of local expertsInternational development wants to contribute to people having equal opportunities around the world; for example to access education…Nov 9, 2020Nov 9, 2020
Donating differently to African nonprofitsDonating directly to an African nonprofit. It is possible as from 7th August 2020, through the website of iMPACT direct. Moreover, the…Aug 16, 2020Aug 16, 2020
How European fin(tech) providers impede support to African-led foundationsOr how they could support it instead | Or how to get around itAug 1, 2020Aug 1, 2020
How much money does France make in French-speaking Africa?France secures access to markets in its 14 former colonies in Africa, to this date, 57 years after independence. Benefits are of commercial…Feb 21, 2020Feb 21, 2020
A combien s’élèvent l’argent que la France génère en Afrique francophone?A cette date, 57 ans après l’indépendance, la France sécurise l’accès aux marchés dans ses 14 anciennes colonies en Afrique. Les bénéfices…Feb 21, 20201Feb 21, 20201
Dear President Macron, it’s time to let go your outdated African policies!For more than 50 years, the citizens of 14 francophone countries in Africa are using an outdated French monetary system. They pay the price…Feb 19, 2020Feb 19, 2020
Cher président Macron, il est temps de renoncer à vos politiques Africaines dépassés !Depuis plus de 50 ans, les citoyens de 14 pays de l’Afrique francophones utilisent un système monétaire français obsolète. Ils en paient le…Feb 19, 2020Feb 19, 2020
Militairen werken aan veiligheid in Zuid-Sudan“Misschien gaat de oorlog in Zuid-Sudan nooit voorbij. Maar we kunnen mensen de hulp bieden die ze verdienen: Rust en veiligheid creëren…Feb 17, 2020Feb 17, 2020
Haiti paid €20 billion euros to France to prevent re-colonialization1803 — Haiti was the first free ‘black’ state in a colonised world. After an army of ex-slaves defeated Napoleon’s army — that was said to…Nov 26, 2018Nov 26, 2018